Cost of
Petrol 1,799 €
Diesel 1,719 €
HVO 1,719 €
Parking 150 Hotel Rooms 13

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Autostrada Brescia - Padova experiments a new system that can alert truck drivers about the approach of a construction site

Road safety is a constant commitment for A4 Holding Group and its concessionaire Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova, which is always looking for new solutions...
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Truck Park Brescia Est proud to host the Volvo Truck Ambassadors

Truck Park Brescia Est has been chosen to host the Volvo Trucks Ambassadors on Saturday 1st April 2023. A community of 300 people will gather...
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Truck Park Brescia Est è a LetEXPO 2023 dall’8 al 13 marzo 2023

Si terrà dall’8 al 13 marzo all’interno di Verona Fiera “LETExpo Logistics Eco Transport”, fiera dedicata ai sistemi di trasporto, alla logistica e all’intermodalità sostenibile....
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Truck Park Brescia Est receives the SSTPA certification level "GOLD"

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Presented to the public the new Truck Park Brescia Est during the Universal Truck Festival

A new name, a renewed image and even more accurate services: this is how Truck Park Brescia Est will be presented to Italian and European...
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Covid-19: always travel informed

Masks, green pass and everything you need to know for your and everyone’s safety After the the loosening of the restrictive measures on work, transports...
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Effects of COvid-19: benefits for Truck Drivers

All’interno dell’Autoparco Brescia Est le tariffe dell’Hotel Santa Giulia sono ridotte per tutti gli autotrasportatori che non possono rientrare a casa.
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Electric Car Charging Station Installed at Autoparco Brescia Est

An electric car charging station has been installed in the parking area at Autoparco Brescia Est with two Fast Charge positions of up to 50...
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Covid-19 test in autoparco Brescia Est for truckers

L’iniziativa sarà attiva a partire da lunedì 22 febbraio presso Autoparco Brescia Est
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Order on Amazon, with convenient pick-up at Autoparco Brescia Est

As of 16 February 2021, Amazon Locker pick-up service is available at the Autoparco Brescia Est infopoint. This service aims to simplify the activities of...
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