Cost of
Petrol 1,799 €
Diesel 1,719 €
HVO 1,719 €
Parking 150 Hotel Rooms 13



  1. These regulations govern the use of the certified parking area for heavy vehicles at Truck Park Brescia Est. The regulations can be found in the parking area and are also published on the website
  2. The regulated area is a private parking area for public use designed for heavy goods vehicles.
  3. It is severely forbidden to enter and park cars and vans weighting less than 35 quintals.
  4. These rules apply to drivers who park in the area after taking a parking ticket on entrance. Drivers must nevertheless ensure that other people they allow into the secure parking area respect these rules and will be personally liable for possible violations and/or damages.


Art.1 By accessing the parking area with the vehicle, you accept the present regulations.

Art. 2 The certified parking area is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  Stopping and standing are allowed in the parking areas delimited by barriers.

Art. 3 To park in the area, you must take a parking ticket when you enter the parking area. If no ticket is issued, you must advise the surveillance personnel and the InfoPoint. The ticket with registration plate number may not be transferred to another vehicle for any reason as it authorizes the driver to exit the parking area.

Art. 4 By taking a ticket, you agree to occupy a space in a secure, unsupervised area for heavy vehicles. The validated ticket with proof of payment is the only document valid for the vehicle and the driver to exit the area.

Art. 5 If the ticket is lost or damaged to the point it cannot be read, you are required to show and sign all the documents provided by A4 Trading S.r.l. in order to identify you and your company.

Art. 6 The first hour inside the certified parking area is free. Within the first hour, the client not accepting the current regulation can exit the park for free.

Art. 7 Each parking space should be used exclusively to park one motor vehicle, including its trailer.

Art. 8 You are required to park the vehicle in the designated spaces delimited by lines and to respect the signs within the parking area. All rules governing the circulation of vehicles must also be observed within the parking area.

Art. 9 Parking in the lanes and in front of the entrances/exits is not permitted. A4 Trading S.r.l. has the authority to remove vehicles parked irregularly, charging the related expenses to the driver.

Art. 10 Traffic in the certified parking area is one way. The vehicles’ speed must be walking pace -a maximum of 10 km/hr- and a safe distance of 9 metres must be maintained between vehicles. Overtaking, moving in reverse (except to enter or exit the space) and U-turns are absolutely prohibited.

Art. 11 It is strictly forbidden to:

  1. use flames;
  2. camp in any form;
  3. unload and store objects of any type, especially if they are flammable, in the parking space or areas;
  4. refuel, make repairs, wash the vehicle, recharge batteries: in these cases, you must use the area designated for these services;
  5. park vehicles that are leaking any type of liquid or substance from the tanks or other parts, or that have any defects that could damage the parking area. Should such events occur, you are required to immediately alert the surveillance personnel and the InfoPoint. Costs related to cleaning and possible decontamination, including the elimination of absorbents (special waste), will be charged to the driver that made such cleaning necessary;
  6. park vehicles without a regulatory registration plate number or authorized replacement plate, or vehicles without a voucher of compulsory insurance, without the prior, express authorization of A4 Trading S.r.l.
  7. smoke, except in areas where it is explicitly allowed;
  8. park vehicles that transport live animals, exceptional loads, and vehicles with dangerous cargo without the prior, express authorization of A4 Trading S.r.l.

Art. 12 It is possible to leave the trailer, even without a tractor, inside the parking lot but only after having registered it at the Infopoint of Truck Park Brescia Est.

Art. 13 You are required to park the vehicle with the hand brake on, bonnet latched, and doors locked. It is absolutely forbidden to leave valuable objects in vehicles, for which the manager is not responsible or in any way required to guard them or compensate for their loss. The same is also true for animals, flammable materials, and materials that may endanger people or things.

Art. 14 In order to allow any parking operation to be completed quickly, drivers are required to comply with possible instructions or requests from A4 Trading S.r.l. or surveillance personnel.

Art. 15 For refrigerated vehicles parked in the designated spaces located in the certified parking area the vehicle engine must not be left running for any reason.


Art. 16 The fee for the use of the spaces is displayed for the public at the InfoPoint at the parking entrance. Emergency and law enforcement vehicles are exempt from payment.

Art. 17 Payment of the parking fee must be made before collecting the vehicle to exit. Payment may be made in cash at the automatic cashier or at the central cashier at the InfoPoint using cash, credit cards or ATM. Once payment has been made, you have 30 minutes to exit the secure parking area with your vehicle. After this time, you will be required to present the payment ticket again and make a new payment for the rate starting from the expiry of the preceding period. If you fail to pay, the manager has the right to retain the vehicle until payment has been made.

Art. 18 Requests for invoices may be made together with payment at the central cashier at the InfoPoint.

Art. 19 For exemption from parking fees established in the applicable rate tables, you must exit the parking area within the time limits established. It is necessary to endorse the ticket at the automatic cashier or InfoPoint cashier. Remaining in the parking area beyond the time limits indicated in the exemption from parking fees, the parking rates in force will be applied in any case.

Art. 20 Notwithstanding the provisions of Art. 12, for violation of the present regulations due to missed payment of the whole or partial amount of the due parking fee, a fine under Art. 1382 of the Italian Civil Code equal to €50.00 will be applied, inclusive of reimbursement for expenses for verifying the evasion of payment, except for higher amounts that are nevertheless due.

Payment of the fine may be made via bank transfer: IT 96 Y 05387 54270 000042762237 in the name of A4 Trading S.r.l., indicating the fine number and the registration plate number of the vehicle.

If payment of the fine under Art. 1382 of the Italian Civil Code has not been made within 10 days following receipt of the notification, recourse will be made to legal means with an increase in fine due to legal expenses and interest until payment is made.


Art. 21 The parking area and related equipment must be used with the utmost care and diligence. Any damage will be repaired by the manager and will be subject to compensation on behalf of the person responsible. In no case will the manager respond to damages caused by use of the parking area contrary to the rules in the present regulations.

Art. 22 The manager is not responsible for theft of the vehicle or parts thereof or for the theft of goods and objects loaded onto the vehicle.

Art. 23 The use of the spaces does not imply either the vehicle’s delivery or reception for safekeeping by A4 Trading S.r.l.

The manager is not required to monitor or safeguard parked vehicles and is therefore not responsible for damages, theft, or attempted theft of the parked vehicles or related accessories (for example, CB, TVs, spare tires, tarps, etc.). The manager is not responsible for possible damages to parked vehicles caused by other users.


Art. 24 A video surveillance system is installed at the secure parking area to guarantee the safety and protection of company property, the manager, and drivers and to prevent illegal acts or any form of danger to personal safety. The images are stored exclusively by management personnel pertaining to A4 Trading S.r.l. and are deleted 30 days after recording, except when further storage is necessary by the data treatment manager in order to document offences or provide support for law enforcement reports or investigations. The images may be consulted only by parking management personnel to perform their work duties.


Art. 25 The manager reserves the right to remove the vehicle at the owner’s expense when:

  • The vehicle is loaded with goods for which prior authorization from the manager is requested upon entrance and said authorization has not been requested and/or approved.
  • The vehicle does not carry the compulsory insurance.
  • The vehicle is parked in the lanes and/or in front of the entrances/exits.
  • The driver has violated these regulations.

Art. 26 Drivers intending to leave trailers or containers at the parking area without the related vehicle are required to register at the InfoPoint. Should the driver not register said means of transport, the manager reserves the right to consider the means abandoned and to apply wheel clamps and a fine of €100 for each means, in addition to the rate accumulated.


  1. In compliance with Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments (‘Privacy Code’) and Reg. (EU) 679/2016 (‘Regulation’), both parties undertake, informing each other, to ensure that all respective personal data provided directly by the contracting parties and related to the present act will be the object of processing, both automated and manual, solely for the management and administrative means inherent in fulfilling contractual and legislative obligations.
  2. Providing this data is necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned purposes and without doing so, it will not be possible, either in whole or in part.
  3. The data will be used by the parties only with the means and procedures necessary to achieve the purposes indicated.
  4. Such personal data may be communicated to public and/or private entities in Italy and abroad who are competent and entitled with regard to the object of the present contract for the purposes listed in point 1. Subjects that may have access to the personal data are managers and those authorized by the managers to perform the necessary processing operations, but who are nevertheless connected to the management and administrative fulfilment of the present contract. The above-mentioned data will not be disclosed.
  5. Both parties declare and mutually acknowledge that with respect to the processing of personal data under the present article, they have the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of their personal data and to receive clear communication to obtain indications about the origin of the personal data, the purposes and means of processing, and the logic applied if the processing is performed using electronic means. The parties also have the right to update, rectify, integrate, delete, or oppose the processing of their personal data, as well as all the other rights recognized by Arts. 15–22 of the Regulation.
  6. The data controller is A4 Trading S.r.l., which can be contacted at; the data protection manager may be contacted at


In case of emergency, please contact the Truck Park Brescia Est Infopoint at the number +39 030 2040311.